Our customers made these suggestions for improving Mira. Suggestions for improving Mira.
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Thanks for your support of Mira.
Offline Mode
Fully operational Offline Mode for Android and iOS Applications
CRM/Marketing/Lead Capture Module
Better CRM is needed.
CRM is very important to know our customers. We need to know who is the most important customers. Where the business is coming from. How to ...
Clients digital sign & return documents without signup
Currently it doesn't appear to be possible to send a form through to a customer for them to complete and return. We use pre-purchase agreements quite a bit, and at ...
Add Form (report) to complete by technician to appointments
Add the ability to predefine what report templates must be completed as a system default on the appointment type and also individually for each appointment card.
Email/SMS Template Builder
The ability to create a drag and drop email template to send to clients (or use as an automatic email). This provides the ability to send professional and informative ...
Under Development
Custom Appointment Statuses
Proposal sent or something along those lines so we can follow them up for quotes given.
Even a colour to show that
Customer Online Booking Tool
System calculates available booking time taking into account other bookings & travel time.
Calendar Sync/Import
Ability to import appointments from Google/iCal.
Allows for import and/or sync of appointments past and present.
Approximate arrival time
Another thing that might be a good idea for you guys to work on is instead of sending out a reminder to the customer saying an exact time maybe send a reminder out ...
Asset Management System (Asset Watcher)
Asset Management System for baiting stations and other assets
Simply Invoice Numbers
The Invoice number is unnecessarily long and does not need to have the Date combination before the actual number.
Can this be changed and just have a simple INVxxxx
Display public holidays and events based on location
it would be nice to be able to lock out specific days in the calendar, public holidays for example
Invoice sent/delivered/read cummunication status icon on find invoice list
Same as in the invoice timeline where the email read status is viewed, the ability to also view this communication status on the find invoices list without having to ...
Having a default starting page setting
So for admins it may be the dashboard, for technicians it may be the calendar or other page so when you log on it goes automatically to your chosen preference
Appointment Checklist/Tasks
Being able to add tasks that must be completed by the technician for specific job types. (i.e. Pre Construction Jobs for Builder A - take photo of stickers in meter ...
Projected revenue
A widget that will add up all the entered dollar value appointments booked for future completion (preferably monthly). This way you can predict monthly revenue.
Ability to merge customer attachments into another customer profile
Under consideration
Appointment/Job Routing & Mapping
Could we possibly get a weekly mapping widget that shows a local map and pins where your appointments are for the week. this way we can create better workflow and ...
Integration with Mailchimp
Respectfully request integration with Mailchimp. We have our client base who we email regularly all in Mailchimp and it also integrates with our website. Being one ...
Under consideration
An invoiced option added to the Job Status options
If I was able to make jobs off as invoiced this would be a great help
Under consideration
Filter unscheduled appts via suburb, post code etc
The ability to filter unscheduled appointments via suburb for example. So we can see what's coming up in a particular region/area
Under consideration
Add Daily/Anytime Tasks to Calendar
When it comes to reminders for things to do on a daily basis, it would be great if we could have the ability to integrate the days tasks at the top of the calendar. ...
Pre-populating invoices for reoccurring services
For all services that are re-occurring (EG. weekly/monthly commercial jobs) - it would be great for invoices to pre-populate also at the same price and include the ...
Send a group SMS/Email for a group of clients
Under consideration
Add optional recurring rule appointment types
Example of case: initial appointment may be for appointment type X and Y but follow up recurring rule may only be Y.
Under consideration
Payment Plans
Ability to issue an invoice with payment plan terms.
-Set dates which credit card will be charged automatically
-Card validity check (expiry date)
-Set custom ...
Slipping away filter
The ability to run a management report where you can select a date. clients who have not had a document generated (ability to select apt., report or inv) after the ...
Under consideration
Revenue per day
It would be great to see the revenue per technician per day on the home screen dashboard and or in the calendar view.
Under consideration
Reassign invoices to technician who completed the job
Right now, invoices are automatically assigned to whoever created the invoice.
Add the ability to re-assign an invoice to the technician who actually went on site to ...
Blacklist clients
When a client is no longer a good fit or the client has not paid the bill, blacklist them into a category so you can easily see them but when you click on their file, ...
Under consideration
Ability to see jobs by area/suburb
could be a visual map with pins, filterable by date range.
could be colour coding apt cards to certain post codes.
Would need further research into requirements ...
Under consideration
Ability to set reminder AFTER appointments to follow up
Appointment type default and appointment setting to be able to set a time after the appointment to receive a reminder with an "Action" note and/or ability to create apt.
Under consideration
Live, interactive map, trending data, barcode scan.
Some of my clients like trending data and interactive maps. For example, the dot on the map will change colour if activity is noted. Then you hover the pointer over ...
Under consideration
Ability to restrict information from contractors
Only see appointment notes. Not able to see client notes history (but with client pinned notes only). Only access to certain reports. Able to take payments for their ...
Under consideration
video embedded into inspection checklists
We would like to have short video opportunity embedded into our checklist as it is a major compliance issue for our industry. The video length is around 3 to 10 ...
Under consideration
Alert when appointment is in a zone with no or low cell service
If appointments are booked in a location with low/no reception the system will advise you of this.
Each technician can have their own service provider linked to ...
Its nothing really major to be fair but we often give $ amount discounts that do not equate to a percentage of the full amount charged that we can use that discount ...
Under consideration
Pest Audit Form for proposed new sites and also for HACCP, AQIS or BRC sites.
I would love for 2 pest audit forms to be added to the list of forms.
1. For completing a pest audit on a proposed client's site evaluating their current provider ...
Under consideration
Customized Messages on Email
When sending a report or invoice, it would be great to be able to customize the message that gets sent with it.
Often we need to relay some further information and ...
Under consideration
Remittance Advice
A Remittance Advice letter we can send to contractors in which we have used for the services.
With our Company details.
Under consideration
recurring appointments
pre purchase building & timber pest inspection require a option to change the recurring appointment job type to annual timber pest inspection (as pre purchase ...
Under consideration
Create Invoice Account / Attach 1 invoice to multiple appointments
Under consideration
Purchase order section when booking appointment
When booking in an appointment, the ability to add a Purchase order number for clients that require a PO for invoicing. This will then merge over when an invoice is ...
Under consideration
The function to have multiple sites under clients, eg. instead of being able to just add multiple emails, addresses and phone numbers, have a section to add "sites" ...
Under consideration
yearly reminders
Would be great if you can have your own default message stay permanent and not having to copy a paste it.
And not having the estimated due to just your owned ...
Under consideration
Selling Unit Price
I find this confusing because "Selling" unit price to me means the price my customer will pay. In this setting, Selling Unit Price is the purchase price of the ...
Under consideration
Auto Insert Appointment Description to Report
Ability to toggle appointment description to display in a report as it does for invoices.
Under consideration